How to Use Custom  Images or Icons in the Notifications?

You can use any custom Icons or Images on the campaign notifications which you have created. 

The best place to look for icons and images are There are hundreds of icons and images which you can choose from.

1. Sign up for a free account with and then search for Icons or vectors.

2. Search for your preferred Icon or image to use on your campaign notification.

3. Click on the Icon selected and choose the option Embed HTML.

4. Select the desired size for the Image and copy the Embed Image URL.

In this example, the HTML embed code was as below but we only would need the actual image path or URL from the copied code.

Embed code copied:  <img src=""/>

Required image path:

5. Copy and paste the image path to the Benifit Notification Settings.

Don't forget to save the changes by using the 'Update' button.